31 Jan Employer Paid Health Insurance – Recruiting for Small Businesses
Our Plastridge Employee Benefits update:
To stay competitive in this environment Small Businesses have increased wages to recruit and retain employees during the ongoing worker shortage. As the competition for talent shows no sign of easing, many now are turning to enhanced health benefits, and we’re here to help give you options.
“Many small independent businesses, have long fought to attract and retain workers”, said Josh Dorman, Employee Benefits Sales Advisor for health and insurance services at Plastridge Insurance. “and over the last year, we’ve certainly seen more small businesses and restaurants coming in asking about what they can do with their health benefits, and offering their employees competitive packages that have to compete with larger companies.”
There are many ways we can help put a benefits package in place that allows you to hire and retain employees. We’re here when you need us.
Click here for article from Benefits Pro